Volume 4, Issue 2
December 2017

Are there Limits to Evolutionary Explanations? Alexander J. Werth Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 4(2), pp. 1-14
DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a1      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a1
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Interaction Quality on Satisfaction: Season Ticket Holders’ Perspective Cindy Lee, Ph. D; Hyejin Bang, Ph. D Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 4(2), pp. 15-21
DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a2      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a2
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Undergraduate Student Attitudes toward Disabled Persons and Influence on Disability Sport Volunteerism Dwedor W. Ford, Ph.D; Gloria H. Elliott, Ph.D; Minyong Lee, Ph.D. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 4(2), pp. 22-32
DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a3      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a3
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LaCineantropometría Al Servicio De La Salud En El Proceso Selectivo De Los Cadetes De La Escuela Superior Militar De Aviación Vinicio Bonilla Carrión, MSc; Jonatan Bonilla Cervantes; Capt. Plto Avc, Flor Garcés, MSc; Wendy Wasbrum, MSc Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 4(2), pp. 33-37
DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a4      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a4
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Physical Exercise Frequency Seem not to Influence Postural Balance but Trunk Muscle Endurance in Young Persons with Intellectual Disability Sven Blomqvist, Lisa Lönnberg, Gunnevi Sundelin, Anita Wester, Börje Rehn Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, 4(2), pp. 38-47
DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a5      URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a5
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