Undergraduate Student Attitudes toward Disabled Persons and Influence on Disability Sport Volunteerism
Dwedor W. Ford, Ph.D; Gloria H. Elliott, Ph.D; Minyong Lee, Ph.D.

The purpose of this study was to assess undergraduate student attitudes toward persons with disabilities and whether their attitudes impacted their disability sport volunteerism. The information presented should contribute to a growing field of study that seemingly in its current state lacks a representative amount of research to help people understand the significance of the disabled community and sport. This article is also an attempt entice more persons, especially, undergraduate students to volunteer with disabled persons while in school in an effort to interest them in future career opportunities present within disability sport. This article should be of interest to sport practitioners, academicians and volunteer groups seeking the involvement of undergraduate students in the area of disability sport. Data from the Attitude toward Disabled Persons (ATDP) Scale along with additional questions were collected on 203 undergraduate students. Findings revealed no significant difference between gender and ATDP scores, although, females exhibited more favorable attitudes towards disabled persons. Also, higher ATDP scores translated in volunteer involvement in disability sport events.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a3