LaCineantropometría Al Servicio De La Salud En El Proceso Selectivo De Los Cadetes De La Escuela Superior Militar De Aviación
Vinicio Bonilla Carrión, MSc; Jonatan Bonilla Cervantes; Capt. Plto Avc, Flor Garcés, MSc; Wendy Wasbrum, MSc

The present work is based on the experience lived in several years of work and the deep concern to observe how each year the number of Cadets with bone injuries increases.For years the anthropometric measures have been taken and then the cineanthropometric measures, but apparently it has not been given the importance in the incidence that it presents in the performance and health of the cadets of the Military High School of Aviation "Cosme Rennella B. "After making an analysis of the kin anthropometric measures of the cadets and the injuries presented, it has been determined that the percentage of bone weight in relation to the total weight of people affects the future injuries that may occur in their change of physical activity.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v4n2a4