Assessing Affective Physical Literacy of Adolescents: The Development of a Motivation and Confidence in Sport and Physical Activity Instrument
Trevor Bopp, Joshua D. Vadeboncoeur

There is a dramatic decline in sport participation rates as youth enter into adolescence. Subsequently, increases in physical inactivity are witnessed around this age. Educating youth toward becoming more physically literate has been reasoned to minimize the negative health outcomes associated with sedentary lifestyles. Recognized as the primary constructs comprising the affective domain of physical literacy, motivation and confidence play an integral role in one‟s lifecourse trajectory of healthy physical activity. Current assessments of affective physical literacy, of which there are few, have been met with mixed reviews for a variety of reasons (e.g., methodology, evaluative of performance or physical criteria, age or grade-level standards, pedagogically-based, etc.). In response, we sought to develop an assessment tool to provide a better understanding of one‟s affective physical literacy. Thus, the purpose of this study wasto develop an instrument toassess physical literacy affect within and outside of educational settings, inclusive of sport and physical activity spaces, for the subpopulation of adolescents. Additionally, we provide a detailed description of how the tool evolved into an 18-item questionnaire, assessing motivation and confidence across six dimensions (enjoyment, identity, socialization, self-improvement, belief in physical skills, and belief in cognitive abilities).

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v6n2a7