La Actividad Física Como Aporte Fundamental Al Paradigma Del Buen Vivir En Los Niños Y Adolescentes
Vinicio Bonilla Carrión.MSc; David Bonilla Cervantes.Capt. Plto. Avc; Flor GarcésMancero, MSc; Julio Samaniego Salas. Mayo. Téc. Avc

Education as a fundamental axis of the development of peoples poses an integral education of the human being. When speaking of integral formation it must be recognized that it must be based on a human body properly developed and above all with an excellent health in order to be able to exercise all the activities that, as a living being, must perform them. This article highlights the disadvantages caused by the lack of physical activity of children and adolescents and how it then impacts on school, work, social and economic performance. When problems deepen and manifest themselves through diseases and social problems, solutions are sought instead of having been prevented. This research seeks to prevent through physical activity many disorders that are presented and that are reflected especially in the field of health. The human brain needs a healthy body to be able to perform optimally, and it is physical activity that presents this great help. Throughout history the survival of the human species has depended on hunting or gathering food, occupations that required prolonged and intense physical activity. For which we proceeded to collect data of the present work was obtained the permission and the collaboration of Mr. Advocate Cesar Montenegro, Rector of the Educational Unit "John F. Kennedy" of the city of Salinas. The work was carried out with a total of 25 among the children of the sixth year of basic education, before their beginning was recorded the weight and height of the students, and through the Bodi Max Indix (BMI) the first data. Among the most representative results is that of 25 students of whom 10 are in the range considered as obesity, 4 in the overweight range, 6 in the range considered normal and 5 students who are in the low weight ran.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v6n1a5