The Role of Kinetotherapy in the Functional Recovery of the Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar Discopathy
Dumitru Andrei

The aim of our study is to demonstrate the role of the kinetic program in the improvement of the functional capacity and life′s quality in the case of the patients diagnosed with lumbar discopathy. Lumbar discopathy is characterized by disorders of the lumbar column, that influence the global functional capacity of the patient during the process of carrying out the daily activities, finally leading to chronic disability. The objectives of our research were: to establish the best exercises within the kinetic program implemented in accordance with the patient′s state, (evolutive, the etiopathogenic context); to develop the kinetic program that the patient will have to follow at home, with a relatively normal life and work program. The research methods used were: the method of the bibliographical study, the observation and data recording method, the statistical and mathematical processing method. Results. The data confirm the reduction of pain intensity-the score of VAS scale registered by the female subjects was poorer than the one registered by the male subjects, with the mention that pain reduction was significant, irrespective of the patients′ gender and group age. Conclusions: By means of the results obtained, we managed to underline the role of the kinetotherapist in the evaluation and functional recovery of the consequences generated by the lumbar disorder, with a view to fundamenting our objectives, methods and kinetic meanings within the implemented complex program of functional recovery.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v6n1a4