Sport Management: Stadiums Technical Reports, a Brazilian Reality
Rômulo Meira Reis, Elizabeth Rose Assumpção Harris, Silvio de Cassio Costa Telles, & Lamartine Pereria DaCosta

Article 23 of the Fan Statute mentions stadiums technical reports that were regulated by a Presidential Decree and Orders from the Sports Ministry. The goal of this article is to analyze Brazilian legislation regarding stadium technical reports, and specifically to: (i) review and understand current laws; (ii) disclose the operation of the instrument within the legal and sports system; (iii) develop a flowchart model of actions for legislation enforcement; (iv) identify cases involving reports and stadium usage; and (v) to check how the aforementioned instrument has served to benefit fans. In our search, we used documental and bibliographical research methods. The results indicate a delay in the report system implementation, but there are already apparent interdiction actions in stadiums, showing a breakthrough on concerns that range from comfort to safety and reflect directly on the fans’ experience.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v3n2a3