Sport Education in the VUCA World
Patricia I. Hogan, Ph.D.; James Santomier Jr., Ph.D.; Brian Myers, M.Ed.

Exponential advances in information technology have created a world characterized by hyper-connectedness and accelerated change, resulting in volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA).As such, creativity, tech-savviness, effective thinking, effective problem solving, and adaptability have become desired traits for most careers (Bennett & Lemoine, 2016; Prensky, 2014a). Digital technologies integrated into sports management and physical education necessitates new technology-focused pedagogies to better-fit students for the demands of the VUCA World and its innovation economy. Active learning models involving meaningful activities and capitalizing on learning technologies have demonstrated better learning than has the traditional lecture (Bonwell & Eison, 1991; Freeman et al, 2014; Michael, 2006; Wiemer, 2015). Indeed, both idea innovation and technology innovation in sports management and physical education programs are essential since the traditional pedagogical model prepares students for a bygone world (Prensky, 2014a, 2014b, 2015; Wiley, 2010). In this paper, dispositions and skills required for the VUCA World are identified, active learning models and technologies designed to instill those dispositions and skills are discussed, and suggestions for innovative ways educators can move beyond the traditional lecture and learning management system (LMS) to foster requisite dispositions and skills in students are identified.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jpesm.v3n1a1